6/29… Final Day @ Ndejje

From the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to bed, I wanted to soak in everything that I possibly could this day without accepting I would be saying final goodbyes the following morning.  Since it was our final full day at Ndejje, we finally made a trip over to the center where the German students have been working to use corn cobs to make charcoal, which was very interesting to see.  This was interesting to us, especially being Public Health majors, because it is more efficient for the environment.  After a day of packing and catching up on laundry, we had a going away party to attend with our professors and fellow Ndejje friends at one of our hangout spots at the Trading Center aka the market.  We all shared a lot of laughs and took the opportunity to take as many pictures as we could.  It was one of the best times I have had since being here, which says a lot because almost everyday here has been amazing.  My heart was so full the entire day.  To take advantage of the time together, I stayed up late saying my goodbyes because I did not want the day to end… however, I did regret it the next morning when I was very tired.  I am hoping that I was only saying “see ya later” to everyone, rather than saying goodbye.  It was a day that I will forever remember.

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